Stop Using Diesel Fuel to Kill Bed Bugs, Why?

Diesel fuel is a fuel derived from refined oil and is used in motor vehicles. This fuel is derived from crude oil and refined biomass materials. The use of this fuel is very broad, including trains, ships, buses, trucks, construction, military vehicles, and agriculture. In addition, this fuel can also be used for generators to produce electricity.

This fuel is a flammable liquid that is used specifically for diesel engines. The workings of this fuel are not ignited by sparks but by compression. Unlike gasoline, diesel fuel requires hot air pressure to explode and drive the engine. It is an effective fuel but creates more pollution and is poisonous if swallowed.

Therefore, due to the risk of the toxic substance in this fuel, it is better to learn more about why diesel fuel is not recommended even though it can kill insects effectively.

diesel to kill bed bugs
Stop using diesel to kill bed bugs

Can diesel kill bed bugs?

It is a fact that diesel fuel can kill bed bugs. This is because diesel fuel is a toxic and harmful substance to living things. However, it should also be noted that diesel fuel is not only capable of killing insects in small sizes but also other living things with a much larger size. This is because of its dangerous toxic nature.

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Various types of pests can be easily destroyed with diesel fuel. In some large-scale pest extermination techniques, gardeners usually mix diesel fuel in a ratio of 1: 100 to eradicate pests in the garden. This is still a debate now because diesel fuel is also toxic like pesticides and insecticides sold in the market. However, who can control this?

Now, let’s talk about the bad effects of using diesel to kill bed bugs.

The problems in a short-term contact

Diesel oil is one of the fuels that is often used in life. From year to year, of course, diesel fuel has developed. Recently, the composition of diesel fuel has been well developed so that its toxicity is reduced. But still, in the long term, inhaling diesel fumes continuously at a certain intensity is certainly harmful to health.

Basically, diesel fuel is similar to gasoline, which uses a hydrocarbon base. For some people, direct contact with diesel fuel can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract, although only temporarily. Another thing that is often complained of is the appearance of nausea, headaches, and dizziness when inhaling diesel at a certain intensity.

Well, this is dangerous for humans although in some places there are people who deliberately inhale the smell of oil to get a hangover effect. It is because the fuel is so cheap that they can afford it easily. This is of course very ironic considering that this fuel is toxic.

Therefore, if you want to use diesel fuel to kill bed bugs, then it is better to stop. You just have to look for other alternatives that are safer and less risky, especially in terms of the health of yourself and your family. This is because the residue left behind from the use of diesel as poison for bed bugs can trigger health problems for humans around them.

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The risks in a long-term contact

Direct contact with diesel fuel in the long term can cause more serious health problems. These include kidney damage, lung cancer, and an increased risk of a heart attack. Thus, we need to avoid this.

The worst effect of diesel fuel as an exterminator of bed bugs is a problem for the human lungs. One of the mild impacts is coughing and the worst is the emergence of ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection). The disease can not be underestimated.

Residue and the pungent smell of diesel fuel as a bed bugs repellent certainly causes an uncomfortable feeling. In addition, humans are actually exposed to diesel fumes on a daily basis from cars, trains, generator engines, and other machines with diesel fuel. This kind of thing is experienced by those who live in densely populated settlements in big cities.

In this regard, research has found that exposure to particulate matter from diesel exhaust makes people more susceptible and allergic to the things they are allergic to. So, this is very bad considering that risks such as lung inflammation can trigger other diseases. This is caused by more than 40 different toxic compounds in diesel engine exhaust gases.

Therefore, never ever use diesel as a bed bugs killer. This is because the house should be a safe and comfortable place for anyone who lives in it. Eradication of bed bugs in a safer and healthier way needs to be pursued.


In killing bed bugs, we should consider several things after treatment is done. This is related to the long-term impact of the insect repellent products used. Bed bugs are pests that live in the house. Therefore we must do our best to make our homes healthy and safe.

First, it is about the safety factor in terms of health. Before choosing a product, we must carefully examine the certification of the product. This is because bed bug exterminators sometimes use chemicals that trigger health problems for some people. It should be noted that the tolerance limit for a chemical compound for each person is different.

Second, it is about the problem of the residue left behind. Often we do not consider this, even though safe products will not leave stains, pungent odors, etc. This is important to pay attention to because bed bugs often hide on our property. Well, we don’t want our property to be damaged, right?

At last, it is about the issue of the effectiveness of the ingredients used. Usually, chemical bed bugs repellent tends to be more effective but causes other problems in the future. In this case, natural ingredients with equal or slightly different levels of effectiveness do not matter as long as they can work well.

Therefore, instead of using diesel fuel to kill bed bugs, it would be better for you to use a more natural, safe, and effective product like a natural repellent. This is intended to eradicate bed bugs while maintaining our health by minimizing contact with chemical substances.

Well, in this case, you will have doubts about natural repellents. However, now we have entered an era where scientists have succeeded in increasing the effectiveness of natural ingredients safely. By using products made from natural ingredients, at least we have reduced our contact with chemicals that are harmful and not environmentally friendly.

That is all I can share in this post. Do you have any suggestions?